miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Desde USA: Conmemorando el 4o. Aniversario del Golpe de Estado en Honduras

Colectivo de Hondureños en Resistencia
FNRP/Libre Nor-Cal presenta el
                       ¿Quién Dijo Miedo?
Documental   dirigido por  Katia Lara
El 28 de Junio del 2009 los grupos conservadores derrocaron al Presidente Constitucional Manuel Zelaya. A cuatro años después, Honduras sigue sumido en una profunda crisis política, económica y social. Miembros del Colectivo de hondureños en Resistencia darán un resumen de los últimos acontecimientos en el país Centro Americano. Seguidamente la exhibición del documental “ QUIEN DIJO MIEDO”
                        Domingo 23 de Junio PM
Lugar:  Artist Television Access (ATA) Theatre
992 Valencia St,
Entre Calles 21 y Liberty, SF

Patrocinadores: Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition (BALASC), FMLN-NORCAL, FSLN-NORCA,Marin Task Force on the Americas, Nicaragua Center for Community Action, SOAW- San Francisco, Answer Coalition, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Haiti Action Committee.
Commemorating the 4th
Anniversary of the Honduran Coup
The collective, Hondurans in Resistance
FNRP/Libre Nor-Cal, presents the documentary:
                             ¿Quién Dijo Miedo?
Documentary by Katia Lara(Subtitled in English)
On June 28th, 2009, right-wing groups overthrew the constitutionally elected President, Manuel  Zelaya. Four years later, Honduras continues facing a deep political, economic and social crisis. Members of the collective of Hondurans in Resistance will give a summary of the current situation in the Central American country. Following, there will be a screening of the documentary,  “ QUIEN DIJO MIEDO”
                    Sunday June 23rd PM
Artist Television Access (ATA) Theatre
992 Valencia St,
Btwn. 21st & Liberty Sts., SF

Sponsored by: Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition (BALASC), FMLN-NORCAL, FSLN-NORCA,Marin Task Force on the Americas, Nicaragua Center for Community Action, SOAW- San Francisco, Answer Coalition, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Haiti Action Committee.

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