domingo, 8 de julio de 2012

HONDURAS: Video desalojo de campesinos. Es esto defensa del Estado de Derecho? juzgue usted y sin duda piensa, NO! defienden su estado de DERECHA // Exigiendo justicia... Otra vez se toman finca “Paso Aguán” de Miguel Facussé.

Publicado el 12/06/2012
Policías y militares desalojan al Movimiento Campesino de San Manuel y destruyen sus viviendas

Unos cuatrocientos militares y policías desalojaron a los campesinos y campesinas quienes desde el 23 de mayo se posesionaron por tercera vez de unas tres mil manzanas de terreno que disputan con la Compañia Azucarera Hondureña Sociedad Anónima, CAHSA.
A las seis de la mañana los uniformados llegaron en seis patrullas, cuatro buses contratados por CAHSA, carros particulares de empleados de la Compañía, tres maquinas y un tractor con el cual destruyeron cultivos de maiz y frijol que ya tenían sembrados los campesinos. A la entrada del predio detuvieron a más de ciento cincuenta hombres.

A las siete de la mañana llegaron hasta el campamento donde las trece empresas campesinas tenían instaladas champas, casas improvisadas, donde vivían desde hace muchos meses. Todas las champas fueron destruidas con los enseres y alimentos que tenían dentro. Unas 15 mujeres que se encontraban en el lugar también fueron apresadas, una de ellas fue arrastrada al resistirse a la detención. 

(Notese  como el mismo  juez  ejecutor   ayuda a reprimir  a  la ciudadana introduciendole   a la fuerza al bus)  evidenciando la  complicidad de de  jueces  venales para  aplicar "u  justicia"  solo contra  los  desposeidos.
 Exigiendo justicia...
Otra vez se toman finca “Paso Aguán” de Miguel Facussé

Tocoa, Colón.- Vecinos de la comunidad de Panamá se tomaron desde el domingo ocho de julio de 2012 el camino de acceso a la finca Paso Aguán, propiedad de Miguel Facussé Barjum; y mas de 50 militares del Décimo Quinto Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales acudieron con su armamento de guerra para amedrentarlos.
El Décimo Quinto Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales, con sede en la comunidad de Río Claro, jurisdicción de Trujillo, es comandado desde enero de este año por el CORONEL SELMAN DAVID ARRIAGA ORELLANA. Los jefes de esta unidad militar siempre han sido acusados por los campesinos del Aguán de estar en las planillas de los terratenientes Miguel Facussé y René Morales, pues suelen acudir de inmediato ante las llamadas de auxilio de los guardias privados, o de los empleados de confianza de estos terratenientes.

Recientemente, el viernes 06 de junio, en la finca Paso Aguán fue encontrado muerto y enterrado entre las palmeras el campesino independiente GREGORIO CHAVEZ ARANDA (69), después de permanecer desaparecido desde el lunes 02 de junio.
Al día siguiente del desaparecimiento de GREGORIO CHAVEZ los vecinos de la comunidad hicieron la denuncia del hecho a la policía y se tomaron por primera vez el acceso a la comunidad para evitar que los camiones cargados de fruta salieran rumbo a la fabrica de Facussé y que los guardias privados, que habían abandonaron las fincas, ingresaran de nuevo mientras no les entregaran al desaparecido.
Desde el lunes en horas de la noche, que se dieron las primeras búsquedas de don GRAGORIO CHAVEZ, los vecinos de la comunidad señalaron a los guardias de Miguel Facussé como los responsables de su captura y secuestro; ellos reforzaron esta versión cuando cerca de la huerta del desaparecido encontraron abandonado el machete con el que limpiaba sus cultivos.
Esta versión se vio reforzada cuando al día siguiente vieron al otro lado de la cerca, bajo las palmeras, movimientos de tierra que evidenciaban una lucha entre varias personas y cerca del lugar encontraron un cartucho de escopeta similar a las usadas por los guardias privados.
El día del desaparecimiento de don GREGORIO CHAVEZ, los guardias privados abandonaron los predios de la finca de Paso Aguán, y Roger Pineda, empleado de confianza de Miguel Facussé, salió en los medios de comunicación diciendo que lo del desaparecido era un invento y una simple excusa para robar fruta de la finca de Paso Aguán.

El incendio y las supuestas pérdidas de la Corporación Dinant
Misteriosamente la noche del martes, una casa-bodega propiedad de Corporación Dinant en la comunidad de Panamá cogió fuego y supuestamente desparecieron dos tractores que se encontraban en el predio. Pineda dijo entonces que Dinant habían sufrido pérdidas millonarias.
Uno de los tractores fue ubicado al día siguiente cerca de Tocoa por el jefe policial de Tocoa, Comisionado Mejía Rosales, cuando se dirigía cargado de fruta desde Panamá rumbo a la pavimentada que conduce a Trujillo;  cuando se le preguntó por los culpables al jefe de la policía no quiso revelar sus nombres y dijo que habían sido liberados por que nadie se presentó a acusarlos, además de que ellos portaban documentos de compra.
Fuentes cercanas a la policía confirmaron a varios campesinos de la comunidad Panamá que los detenidos eran guardias de Facussé y que al momento de su captura por el jefe policial llevaban la fruta rumbo a la planta extractora que el terrateniente posee en la comunidad de Quebrada de Arena.
En la bodega incendiada, los vecinos de la Panamá aseguran que se encontraba una bicicleta propiedad de JOSE ANTONIO LOPEZ LARA (43), otro desaparecido de la comunidad vecina de Rigores y quien está desaparecido desde el 2011, cuando en las cercanías de la misma finca de Paso Aguán buscaba un lugar de pesca en el río Aguán. Los vecinos aseguran que la bicicleta, después de su reconocimiento, fue montada en un carro de la Policía Nacional Preventiva.
El incendio de la casa-bodega y el supuesto robo de los tractores les sirvieron de excusa a los militares del Décimo Quinto Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales y al Jefe Departamental de la Policía Nacional preventiva de Colón, Comisionado Mejía Rosales, para apoyar la reinstalación de los guardias en la finca Paso Aguán y militarizar la comunidad de Panamá.

Aparece el desaparecido, asesinado y enterrado en finca de Facussé
El viernes 6 de julio se cayo el cuento Roger Pineda cuando un grupo de vecinos encontraron los restos de don GREGORIO CHAVEZ ARANDA después de recorrer casi toda la finca Paso Aguán en compañía de agentes de la policía de la comunidad de Ilanga, que les brindaban seguridad ante las amenazas de los guardias privados de Facussé que les impedían el paso hacia el lote del hallazgo.
Al conocerse la noticia del hallazgo, Roger Pineda, hombre de confianza de Facussé, corrió a desmentir por los medios de comunicación nacional el involucramiento de los guardias privados en el secuestro y posterior asesinato de GREGORIO CHAVEZ ARANDA, casi llega a firmar que son unas mansas palomas victimas de los desalmados campesinos del Aguán.
GREGORIO CHAVEZ fue encontrado cerca de un puesto de control de los guardias privados de Facussé, en un extremo de la finca Paso Aguán. Para llegar hasta ese lugar se tiene que conducir a velocidad moderada un carro un poco más de 15 minutos.
Su cabeza estaba envuelta por una bolsa plástica, lo que hizo suponer a quienes presenciaron su exhumación que fue torturado antes de su muerte y asfixiado por sus asesinos. En su puño derecho portaba su reloj y en las bolsas de su pantalón se encontraron su cartera con todos sus documentos por lo que desde un principio se descartó el robo como la motivación principal de su muerte.
En la comunidad se le estimaba por ser una persona de bien, muy servicial con todos los vecinos, por lo que también se descarta la venganza como una motivación de su asesinato. Era un reconocido “Celebrador” o “Delegado de la Palabra de Dios” en la comunidad que es atendida pastoralmente por un sacerdote jesuita de la Parroquia de Tocoa.

Los guardias, dueños y señores de los caminos
Los vecinos de la comunidad de Panamá cuentan que ellos no pueden circular libremente por los caminos que cruzan las palmeras, los guardias de Facussé se lo prohiben. Una mujer se atrevió a decir que tiene cuatro años de no visitar su propiedad a orillas del río Aguán pues tiene miedo de no regresar con vida a su casa.
Otras personas nos dijeron que desde que los guardias de Facussé se instalaron en la comunidad de Panamá, no pueden ir a pescar al río Aguán, muchos menos a bañar como lo hacían en las semanas santas de otros años o en las épocas de mucho calor.
Ellos aseguran que estos caminos no los construyó Facussé, que existen desde épocas de las compañías, pero que sus guardias se han apropiados de ellos.
“No puede entrar a las fincas ni un animalito por que ellos practican tiro al blanco. Caballos, vacas, gallinas y cerdos se nos desaparecen, pero no podemos entrar a buscarlos”, afirmaron los vecinos mientras esperaban recibir el carro que traía los restos de don GENARO CHAVEZ ARANDA.

De nuevo se retiraron los guardias y los militares
La comunidad sabe que pronto regresarán los militares y los policías, no a brindarles seguridad, ni justicia, “ellos regresarán para reinstalar a los guardias de Miguel Facussé en las fincas”.


Honduras Coup Update June 2012

On June 28, Honduras had been under three years of military coup. The regime´s own Truth Commission follow up report shows only 13 of 84 of its recommendations have been implemented. The European Union rubs the wound by signing, in Honduras, the EU-Central America Free Trade Agreement one day after the coup anniversary date – this has been denounced by Central American and European civil society organisations as symbolic of EU prioritising economic interests above respect of human rights. And the IMF tried to impose an accelerated devaluation of the Honduran currency Lempira, as a condition for a new ´stand by´ agreement.

As organising begins for the next election, due in 2013, it is evident that there are no conditions for the election already, with seven killings so far against candidates.
Days before this third anniversary of the Honduras coup, Paraguay had a ´parliamentary coup´ - see here more details:

In the context of the recent killings on the Patuca River, not far from a new US military base, involving US anti-drug agency helicopters, the US progressed its talks with Honduras on CARSI (Central America Regional Security Initiative) for which it also signed aid of $1.3 million for criminal investigations as part of the 2011-2012 CARSI package. The US also just announced a further 15 Honduran coup officials can have their US visas back, and appointed the grandson of a Honduran dictator as its Latin America Advisor.

Within Honduras, an international Bajo Aguán region human rights report by nine international organisations and networks stated that the main issues are landgrabbing, monocrop expansion, concentration of land in few hands, militarisation, grave human rights violations including killings, rape and forced evictions, impunity and criminalisation of social protest. It also recommended that the Central America – Europe Free Trade Agreement not be signed under these circumstances. MUCA, one of the farmers´ movements in Bajo Aguán, was pressured to again sign an agreement against their own interests and subjected to re-militarisation by a number of national and international state and private armed forces.

On militarisation, nationally, ministers have just requested to extend the endorsement for the military to continue police duties by another 180 days.
The Education minister of the resistance, Escoto, dismissed provincial education directors that obtained their positions illegally through political affiliations, but the judicial and executive branches illegally endorsed their reinstatements.

Persecution in June 2012

Summary of political killings in June 2012
·         On 7/6/12, the Vice-principal and lecturer of INTAE business school, active FNRP and teachers union member Miguel Ángel Ramos, was assassinated by hitmen when walking to work.
·         On 12/6/12 active resistance member, FNRP political commission member and Bo El Estadio Collective coordinator, Joel Orellana, was riddled with bullets.
·         On 24/6/12, shots were fired at a family in a car, killing Jenny Izaguirre, gravely wounding Arturo Ramírez and a bullet grazed Jenny´s son. Jenny is a teacher, her spouse Arturo is a FNRP/Libre activist.
·         On 25/6/12, high school student, and active member of FNRP and Libre party Carlos Jese Portillo Yanes (20) was found dead inside a plastic bag. He was last seen transporting people to a Libre event.
Persecution against farmers this June
·         The Bajo Aguan International Human Rights Watch reported an escalated repression, and denounced reactivated eviction orders (against Marañones and right bank settlements La Confianza, La Aurora, La Lempira, and La Concepción). It also condemned the regime for forcing farmers to sign an agreement against their interests under threat of imminent bloodshed, as a demonstration of the lack of political will by regime heads Lobo/Ham (Agrarian Minister). It also denounced the re-militarisation in the last 15 days of June by Honduran, US, Colombian, and Israelí missions, with movements of arms into the Bajo Aguán region.
·         On 12/6/12, a contingent of six patrols (including the four buses and other cars contracted by sugar company CAHSA, three heavy machines and a tractor), hundreds of police, cobra and investigative agents, carried out a brutal eviction with a DPP order against hundreds of farmers of MOCSAM Movimiento Campesino de San Manuel Cortés at El Coowle. On this occasion – the third eviction in under two months - they detained 21 including 17 women, with hooded paramilitaries returning three hours later to try to capture more. The contingent illegally destroyed homes together with household goods and foods, their community shop was destroyed, and the police ate and drank from it. A small plane sprayed poison on around 100 hectares of maíz, and other crops were destroyed. detained have to sign at the courts regularly, having been charged with land usurpation.
·         On 21/6/12, Danlí court issued an eviction order against 40 Danlí farmers accused of usurpation of land from the Alfaro family in the Jamastrán Valley of Ruano. The farmers have possessed the land for 15 months and have received Agrarian Department´s written confirmation that the lands are national lands. One of the farmers was murdered four months before, and no authorities came.
·         On 25/6/12, Aguán MUCA leaders José Luíz Dubon Díaz, Juan Angel Rodríguez, Timoteo Mendoz Zuazo, Justo Leonel Cruz Padilla had their weapons that they carry legally for personal protection confiscated by an operation by Patrol 42 at the exit of La Ceiba to Colón.
·         On 28/6/12, police arrived to evict the hundreds who occupied the La Democracia Bridge in El Progreso for 5 hours.
·         On 29/6/12 MARCA farmer Julián Hernández was victim to persecution by four hooded men who look like soldiers, circulating around his home several times. Julián is the president of La Trinidad, and this occurred as the military evicted private guards of the usurping landowners after the farmers won their case at the tribunals.
Persecution, including killings, against teachers and students
·         Luis Agurcia – teachers unions leader (Teachers Federation Secretary) and FNRP leader of Trujillo, who with others occupied the Colón provincial area education office, was charged with sedition – the Bajo Aguán Human Rights Watched warned there is likely to be an arrest warrant against him.
·         On 3/6/12, military and police evicted teachers occupying the provincial area education office in Colón, where teachers protested irregular acts by the provincial director in relation to appointment of teachers, and the director also has been politically persecuting unionised teacher leaders there – eg Luis´s case above, and teacher/FNRP leader Will Paz receives constant death threatsby text message.
·         On 7/6/12, in San Pedro Sula, vice principal/lecturer of INTAE (business administration of companies institute) and active FNRP and Copemh member Miguel Ángel Ramos (47) was assassinated with 9mm gunshots to the head by hitmen jumping out of a van when he was walking to work and passing by the Teachers College UPNFM, accompanied by his 12 years old son. They had been followed for a time. Nothing was stolen. Apart from participating in marches against the coup, teachers and court actions, Miguel has been supporting a fair trade project at INTAE and teaches social science in the afternoons and was a student advice coordinator.
·         On 11/6/12, Education Minister Marlon Escoto received a texted death threat, ´We are going to burn you alive h… don´t mess with the cachureco teachers of Cortés, dog. On feet or dead, never on knees, son of a b…´ from number 33919608. Marlon had announced he was suspending 14 of the 18 provincial education directors (who are affiliated with the national party) because their appointments were illegal.
·         On 15/6/12, Provincial Director Fredy Díaz sued the secretary of the teachers selective committee of Copán and FNRP coordinator there Dilsia Cantarero for defamation, for having denounced him for irregularities and corruption.
·         On 20/6/12, student activist Pedro Joaquín Amador, who was arrested in a student solidarity protest supporting students suspended for their political organising, had his first hearing – he continues to be charged for damages against police, although the baseless charge of ‘attempt against police’ had been dropped and despite the damages charge also not having enough elements, according to human rights organisation Cofadeh.
Persecution including killing against artists and their families
·         On 12/6/12, a kidnap attempt against Bessy Duarte was made as she left a bank and was intercepted by a black van without numberplates. She was pushed and under threat and the money she took out was taken off her, but she managed to escape. Bessy is themother of a well known resistance member and singer of Café Guancasco, Pavel Nuñez, whose family has been in the last weeks subject to extortion and telephone threats because of which they had to move home.
·         On 19/6/12 the Honduran theatrical community made a statement condemning the assassination of Walter David González Contreras (31), an active member of the La Fragua Theatre. He was shot by unknown persons on his way home from a party.
Persecution against indigenous activists
·         On 13/6/12, individuals attempted to kill Copinh leaders (executive commission members) Juan Vásquez and Sotero Chavarría, shooting at them at least twice, hitting their Copinh car and causing a car accident, as Juan and Sotero were driving back from a Copinh activity. Copinh has been denouncing threats and intimidation against them by armed persons of the state, who are paid by companies to develop megaprojects on indigenous territories.
·         On 17/6/12 the Tribu de San Francisco de Locomapa Tolupán indigenous community in Yoro, who belong to Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia denounced repeated death threats which their members have received as they organise to block the entry of woodchopping machines. These are owned by businessman Kenton Landa Uclés. The context is that the Indigenous community´s right to determination on their land has been violated and the authorities have always taken the company´s side.
·         On 28/6/12, active member of the Cuchilla community of Ceguaca, Bonifacio Muñoz Troches, was shot at in the back by Pablo Hernández when Bonifacio was working in the cornfield. Bonifacio was in a land struggle, having occupied the land since 15/4/12. Hernández has been denounced by members of this community for trying to illegally take the land. There has been no justice against the perpetrator.
Persecution and killings against resistance members who are also Party activists/candidates
·         On 12/6/12, active resistance member and FNRP political commission member and Bo El Estadio Collective coordinator, Joel Orellana, was riddled with bullets and assassinated. He was someone very enthusiastic and always said after protests, ´resistimos y venceremos hasta la victoria´.
·         On 23/6/12, at an activity collecting signatures of the group 5 de Julio of the Libre Party at the Central Park, four police chased and beat an underage youth who rode in a scooter and unfairly detained him. The police also then dismantled an electricity connection the 5 de Julio had to make announcements.
·         On 24/6/12, in the capital city, unknown persons who travelled in a vehicle with tinted windows without numberplates intercepted and attacked with gunshots a family travelling home in a vehicle - Jenny Izaguirre died in this attack. Arturo Ramírez was gravely wounded in the abdomen damaging his liver and pancreas. Jenny´s son had a bullet graze on his cheek. Jenny is a teacher and her spouse Arturo is an FNRP/Libre resistance activist in charge of logistics in one of the movements inside Libre. There was no kidnapping or robbery.
·         Also on 24/6, Comayagua leader Juan Ramón Flores´s home was raided – the assailants took only documents and a Libre party computer, even though 50,000 lempiras were visible, and every corner was obviously searched – the family reported another raid at the office in which the same information taken away from the home was taken away there. The family has dispersed and is terrorised/traumatised and has applied for cautionary measures. A year ago Juan had been kidnapped and managed miraculously to escape.
·         On 25/6/12, high school student and active FNRP and Libre member Carlos Jese Portillo Yanes (20) was found dead with hands and feet tied with shoelaces and bruises in the head, inside a black plastic bag in San Pedro Sula. He was last seen helping transport people on the Sunday to an FNRP activity in preparation for the next internal elections. Some witnesses say he was intercepted by 3 people in a pick-up, who forced him into it and took him to an unknown destination. Carlos´s father, Carlos Portillo, is one of the FNRP leaders in Villanueva.
·         On 30/6/12, police under directions from police spokesperson Hernán Mejia, were taking ID cards from passengers to block the arrival of the caravan of buses that were going to Santa Barbara for the launching of the presidential candidate Xiomara Castro of Libre – the resistance´s political party - in Santa Barbara.
Persecution of journalists
·         On 12/6/12, at the MOCSAM farmers eviction by police and army, a presumed employee of the sugar company CAHSA filmed and photographed repeatedly journalists Leonardo Aguilar and Gerardo Chevez of Radio Progreso, and Bartolo Fuentes of Vida Laboral, who were there to cover the eviction. When Bartolo asked him why he was photographing them, the person moved to hide behind the military and police, before slipping away from the scene. Gerardo recognises the man who has been seen in three eviction operations in the region, and so it is assumed that he is from the sugar company. Gerardo said at the second eviction, he was riding on motorcycle when followed for 2 km by unknown persons who signalled for him to stop.
·         On 28/6/12, police detained and kidnapped for 2.5 hours the photographer Edwin Murillo of TV channel Hable como Habla, who was arriving to film the discovery of a body inside a cardboard box in Comayagüela. Police attacked and handcuffed him and took him to an unknown destination and spent the first minutes beating him. Edwin was with journalist Alejandra Vásquez – when they arrived at the crime scene Edwin was attacked and handcuffed and taken by patrol M1-08 and taken to an unknown destination. The Hable como Hable director and owner Eduardo Maldonado searched for Edwin in different police stations and called on the police head on TV and via social networks to demand the physical safety of the young photographer. Edwin appeared 2.5 hours after the capture – the police patrol M1-08 claimed that he was taken places but never to a police station.
A snapshot of actions in Honduras and solidarity actions internationally
In Honduras

On June 1, thousands of farmers with social and grassroots organisations and unions of the Aguán region mobilised at Tocoa city, demanding their land rights. They blocked traffic on the Tocoa bridge.

Compas from indigenous organisations Copinh, ONIHL and Garifuna, and of the Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Vida began a walk (in cases, in intense rain and sun) to Tegucigalpa from different parts of Honduras for a continental mobilisation of June 5 to defend natural resources from commercial exploitation. They arrived at the Natural Resources Department where they chanted that as a community they knew that ´green economy´ is a farce. They stood firm to the police who tried to say they were violating people´s right of movement, and the community proclaimed that they were defending everyone´s right to land and water, that it is for defending, not for selling. They played drums, marched onto the DPP, occupied streets and used a powerful megaphone. They shared food, speeches, and inaugurated a people´s café with a big pot of coffee on some firewood and rocks, outside the government offices.

FNRP organised on 23/6/12 at the Stibys union to form a committee of solidarity with the Paraguayan people resisting a coup, they organised protests and shared news.

On June 28, masses of people mobilised in different parts of Honduras as the resistance against the coup. The FNRP commemorated 3 years of resistance. and denounced the coup in Paraguay.

On June 29, Central American activists gathered in protest against the signing of the ADA – Central America – EU Free Trade Agreement, outside the place of its signing (Plaza San Martín hotel district), one day after the third anniversary of the military coup in Honduras. A delegation of FNRP, Mesoamericans in Resistance, Vía Campesina, Mesoamerican Forum, Social Continental Alliance CA, Refoundational Space, delivered a public letter to the presidents of SICA gathered for the signing , highlighting the impact of militarisation and neoliberalisation on the communities. They denounced the creation of tax exempt areas in Central American countries that the FTA brings, against the health and education of the peoples, as well as against food sovereignty through promoting expansion of monocrop export, including for biofuels.

The MARCA farmers began land occupations in December 2009 (they were part of MUCA then) and in April 2010 decided not to negotiate with the government (MUCA negotiated) and continued their struggles in the tribunals and continued the occupations of the land, in conflict with Miguel Facussé (occupied for 16 years) and René Morales (occupied for 2 years). They won their cases finally on June 29, 2012, and judges and police arrived on their lands, San Isidro, Despertar and Trinidad, to evict the security guards of Miguel Facussé and René Morales. 
This is a victory for the farmers, but there is still persecution against the farmers of MARCA, plus the large landholders have expressed they will appeal the decision and action. In the 18 years of judicial struggle so far, the farmers have suffered persecution, arrests, tortures, human and material losses – nine MARCA farmers have been killed to date, but it is the only agrarian conflict so far resolved in favour of farmers in Bajo Aguán today.


In Sydney on 23 June 2012, an action was held to mark three years of coup and coup resistance in Honduras and to remember those whose lives have been killed in resistance - the committee organised street theatre, singers, and speakers from Friends of the Earth Sydney, Colectivo Mujer, Teachers Federation, and CFMEU. See article and video link here

Other actions held for International Day of Solidarity with Honduras included efforts from a number of cities in the US including in LA where a vigil was organised by immigrant and lgbti groups In Chelsea, a Freedom Songs and Poetry night was organised with a recently returned guest who spoke about the killings against La Mosquitia people, and in Argentina sit-ins were organised protesting three years of military coup,  at the Honduran Embassy at noon, and then at the Paraguayan Embassy at 2pm.
Hondurans Copinh indigenous and feminist leader Berta Caceres toured and gave talks in Italy, Austria and Germany, and Cofadeh human rights leader Bertha Oliva was invited to give talks by the Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos in Chile, about human rights violations in Honduras.

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